Sayings of some great people ABOUT health & treatment -
Here, I want to quote some sayings of some great people which
they said about the health – homoeopathy.
The Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad
Sallalla-ho-Alaihai Wasalam
says “Every disease is from Allah Tallah (God). When He wants to
nearer to his creatures (Human Being) and give some thing to
them, He sends some disease to them”.
Sayings of The Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Sallalla-ho-Alaihai
“Allah Tallah (God) has made treatment, cure and health of every
disease except the disease of death”.
The Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad
Sallalla-ho-Alaihai Wasalam
says “That is only Allah Tallah (God), Who gives illness and
then health to His creatures”,
Sayings of The Holy Prophet Hazrat
Muhammad Sallalla-ho-Alaihai Wasalam
“There is medicine for every illness/disease. When the
medicine’s symptoms are the same like its patient disease, the
patient shall cure and got health”.
Dr. Heinemann
MD, the founder of Homoeopathy, says “If I want then I may fill
my house with bricks of gold but I did not do so. Allah Tallah
gave me a way of treatment (Homoeopathy) which I gave to His
creations and fulfill my duty”.
Dr. J. H. Clarke
MD says “Homoeopathy is the most complete and scientific system
of health”.
Dr. T. J. Kent
MD says “The person who does not believe on Allah Tallah (God),
then he cannot be a true Homoeopath”.
Dr. J. W. Rafin Smith
says “Homoeopathic way of treatment produces an exact, accurate
and solvable treatment for any physical and mental disease”.
Dr. Abid Hussain
says “For complete and actual health, Homoeopathy takes much
less time while all other ways of treatment play with the health
and pocket of the patient”.
Dr. Abid Hussain
says “Homoeopathy is a science as well as an art which fills
colors and health in humanity”.
Dr. Abid Hussain
says “in world ESPECIALLY in Pakistan, Homoeopathy is the only
way of treatment which can cure completely without any side
effect/less side effects”.
Dr. Abid Hussain
says “Homoeopathy is the only way of treatment from which the
Homoeopath can CURE their patient. In today's science space age
where the mind of human being is beyond the limits, it is proved
that Homoeopathy is science and an art simultaneously”.
The word
has taken from Latin languages and its founder Dr. Heinemann MD has chosen this
name to differentiate it from the other way of treatment. “Alupathy” must praise
Dr. Heinemann who has chosen this name for that way of treatment. Word
“Homoeopathy”, means self treatment with
“likes with likes”.
word HOMOEO means 'self'.
can be defined as “Homoeopathy is a science as well as an art from which, the
patient can be treated with his internal and external symptoms treating likes
with likes”.
has COMPLETE PRINCIPALS and philosophy and these principals has described by its
founder Dr. Heinemann MD in his book “Organon”. No other way of treatments has
any principals and philosophy. This is only Homoeopathy which all medicines have
tested over very healthy persons with different ages of both the sexes i.e. men
and women. There is no medicine in Homoeopathy whose proving has not done on
human body which in all the other ways, the medicine have been proved over the
animals like mousses, rabbits, pigs, dog, AND CATS etc. etc. You know very well
that the human being is totally different from the body of animals and when
these drugs has imposed on human beings, then there manufacturers know its very
very dangerous and bad side effects. After that, these drugs has uplift from the
market and a new drug has imposed on human beings. That is why, the rate of cure
in Homoeopathy is very very high among the other ways of treatment.
In Homoeopathy, there is no particular disease . It depends upon the symptoms
and feeling which a person describes and a good Homoeopath totally depends upon
it and treat his patient in the light of that symptoms and feelings which his
patient described. Homoeopathy knows the cause of illness and a Homoeopath
treats to totally
removes that disease from the body of his patient.
It is a wrong common opinion in the minds of most human beings that Homoeopathy
is a slow way of treatment. While in my opinion, only the homoeopathic way of
treatment which is the most curative, fastest, safest and complete way of
treatment among all other ones, If the patient describes his conditions and
symptoms completely and correctly to the Homoeopath. Mostly, it is called a
miracle when a patient cures completely with in a very short interval of time
without any side effect where the other ways of treatment totally failed.
Homoeopathy is a medical system of treatment that uses natural remedies to
arouse and strengthen the natural capacity of the body to overcome diseases.
Homeopathic remedies come mainly from plant, animal and mineral sources. The
most important aspect, however, is not the source of the remedies but the
special method of their preparation which involves a repeated process of mixing,
diluting and shaking till the chemical properties of the substances to be used
as remedies are totally eliminated. This systematic and calculated process of
remedy preparation, introduced by a German physician, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann,
ABOUT two centuries back, HAS dual advantage: i) it arouses the deeper
therapeutic power of the remedy which remains latent in the presence of chemical
properties and ii) it renders the remedy totally safe as with the washing away
of the chemical properties, there remains no chance of chemical toxicity.
Another outstanding feature is the unique method employed to ascertain the
curative powers of a substance to be used as a remedy. Before their clinical
use, homeopathic remedies are subjected to extensive testing and experiments on
healthy human volunteers (usually HOMOEOPATHIC doctors and students)
for their effects. The effects of drugs so obtained through massive
trials are recorded in a medicinal book called Materia Medica. Experiments have
shown that a drug substance that produces certain symptoms in a good number of
healthy volunteers can remove the very same symptoms in a sick when given in
homoeopathic dose. For example, Cinchona Bark, if given to a healthy person,
causes severe chill, shivering, PROSTRATION, nausea, perspiration, etc. – the
symptoms closely resembling those of Malaria – AND IN HOMOEOPATHIC doses it
cures a good number of cases of Malaria. Cumulative experience of over 200 years
of continual trials has established the scientific validity of this method of
drug-experimentation. Over a period of two centuries, hundreds of drugs have
been tested and each one has withstood the test of time, working as specifically
and safely today as in the past.
The concept of health, disease and cure revolves around the presence and
governance of a self-regulating force within the body. This force is responsible
to maintain health and keep the body, its organs and systems in a perfect
working order. In health, it functions at its optimum and ensures that all the
organs and systems perform harmoniously so that the individual may work towards
the fulfillment of the high purpose of his creation. In disease, it
attempts to restore the normal state. Disease is seen as the central disturbance
of this force caused or excited by its failure or inability to cope with
external disease producing factors such as bacteria, virus, environmental or
medicinal pollution, extremes of weather, etc. Disease is recognized through
signs and symptoms which are termed as body’s effort at self-healing. The object
of treatment is to bring this force to its former state of normal functioning
through homoeopathic doses.
Samuel Hahnemann's Organon of Medicine
Kent's Lectures and Minor Writings
The Genius of Homeopathy - Stuart Close
A brief study course in homoeopathy – Elizabeth Wright
The Patient, Not the Cure – M. Blackie
Homoeopathy – The Medicine of the 21st Century – George